Group actions:
Id Name Status
781 Xenophobic Xenomorph deleted
782 Expensive Eel deleted
783 French Chess in Crazyland deleted
784 Enthusiastic Eland deleted
785 The Secret Weapon of the Workout Joe deleted
786 Britney Spears' Cricket Horror deleted
787 Nihilistic Baseball Yoga inactive
788 Blazing Ostrich - Hot Pursuit inactive
789 Irish Kung-fu World Tour deleted
790 Claustrophobic Zamboni Hero deleted
791 Ultimate Motocross Interceptor active
792 Calm Cormorant deleted
793 Awful Antelope active
794 Tired Tortoise deleted
795 Exciting Afro Conspiracy deleted
796 Yellowed Yak deleted
797 Proud Pheasant active
798 Frightened Frog deleted
799 Dead or Alive Gun Online deleted
800 Day of the Lawnmower Creator deleted
( Items: 781 - 800 from 1016 )
  See the code below 👇 or see GitHub
public function createComponentGrid(): DataGrid
	$grid = new DataGrid();


	$grid->setItemsPerPageList([20, 50, 100]);

	$grid->addColumnNumber('id', 'Id')

	$grid->addColumnText('name', 'Name')

	$grid->addColumnText('email', 'E-mail')

	$grid->addColumnDateTime('status', 'Status');

		'Change user status',
			'active' => 'Active',
			'inactive' => 'Inactive',
			'deleted' => 'Deleted',
	)->onSelect[] = [$this, 'groupChangeStatus'];

	$grid->addGroupAction('Send', [
		'john' => 'John',
		'joe' => 'Joe',
		'frank' => 'Frank',
	])->onSelect[] = [$this, 'groupSend'];

	$grid->addGroupTextAction('Add note')->onSelect[] = [$this, 'groupAddNote'];

	$grid->addGroupAction('Delete')->onSelect[] = [$this, 'groupDelete'];

	$grid->addGroupButtonAction('Say hello')->onClick[] = [$this, 'sayHello'];

	return $grid;