Group actions:
Id Name Status
61 Blocky Octopus Horde deleted
62 Little Hang Glider Tournament deleted
63 Fine Flatworm deleted
64 Underground Chess Feud inactive
65 Irritating Blood of the Deep active
66 Dangerous Buddhist in the Salad Kingdom inactive
67 Terrible Teira deleted
68 Mexican Hair Salon in the Hood active
69 Depressed Dogfish inactive
70 First-Person Snowboard Rider deleted
71 Underwater Shopping Football deleted
72 Glamorous Gemsbok inactive
73 New Bow Hunter Thieves active
74 Nuclear Dating Special Edition inactive
75 Awesome Mummy Annihilation active
76 Irresistible Fire Psychiatrist active
77 Ill Iguana deleted
78 Wide-eyed Walrus deleted
79 Grumpy Goldfinch inactive
80 Helpful Hippopotamus active
( Items: 61 - 80 from 1016 )
  See the code below 👇 or see GitHub
public function createComponentGrid(): DataGrid
	$grid = new DataGrid();


	$grid->setItemsPerPageList([20, 50, 100]);

	$grid->addColumnNumber('id', 'Id')

	$grid->addColumnText('name', 'Name')

	$grid->addColumnText('email', 'E-mail')

	$grid->addColumnDateTime('status', 'Status');

		'Change user status',
			'active' => 'Active',
			'inactive' => 'Inactive',
			'deleted' => 'Deleted',
	)->onSelect[] = [$this, 'groupChangeStatus'];

	$grid->addGroupAction('Send', [
		'john' => 'John',
		'joe' => 'Joe',
		'frank' => 'Frank',
	])->onSelect[] = [$this, 'groupSend'];

	$grid->addGroupTextAction('Add note')->onSelect[] = [$this, 'groupAddNote'];

	$grid->addGroupAction('Delete')->onSelect[] = [$this, 'groupDelete'];

	$grid->addGroupButtonAction('Say hello')->onClick[] = [$this, 'sayHello'];

	return $grid;