Group actions:
Id Name Status
561 Crazy Pogo Bastards active
562 Fantastic Turtle Odyssey active
563 Naughty Unicorn Inferno active
564 Yawning Yacare active
565 Cheerful Camel active
566 Musical Thief Boxing active
567 Lucky Lion active
568 Combative Chicken active
569 Gothic Mall Story active
570 Paranoid College Fiesta inactive
571 Defiant Dogfish active
572 Blue Barracuda active
573 Legend of Blade - The Dark Project active
574 Glorious Goose active
575 Envious Eel active
576 Innocent Iguana active
577 Profane Animal in the Outback active
578 Unbelievable Moped Jamboree active
579 Sleepy Swiftlet active
580 Nasty Barbarian vs. Capcom active
( Items: 561 - 580 from 1020 )
  See the code below 👇 or see GitHub
public function createComponentGrid(): DataGrid
	$grid = new DataGrid();


	$grid->setItemsPerPageList([20, 50, 100]);

	$grid->addColumnNumber('id', 'Id')

	$grid->addColumnText('name', 'Name')

	$grid->addColumnText('email', 'E-mail')

	$grid->addColumnDateTime('status', 'Status');

		'Change user status',
			'active' => 'Active',
			'inactive' => 'Inactive',
			'deleted' => 'Deleted',
	)->onSelect[] = [$this, 'groupChangeStatus'];

	$grid->addGroupAction('Send', [
		'john' => 'John',
		'joe' => 'Joe',
		'frank' => 'Frank',
	])->onSelect[] = [$this, 'groupSend'];

	$grid->addGroupTextAction('Add note')->onSelect[] = [$this, 'groupAddNote'];

	$grid->addGroupAction('Delete')->onSelect[] = [$this, 'groupDelete'];

	$grid->addGroupButtonAction('Say hello')->onClick[] = [$this, 'sayHello'];

	return $grid;