Id Name Birthday Status
461 Spunky Underwear Power 8. 4. 1940 deleted
462 Turbo Castlevania Remix 19. 5. 1998 active
463 Defiant Duck 24. 2. 1935 inactive
464 Magnificent Mouse 5. 4. 1992 deleted
465 Poor Platypus 19. 8. 1979 inactive
466 Bad Barracuda 16. 7. 1999 inactive
467 Mind-Bending Railroad Smackdown 27. 2. 1968 deleted
468 Soviet Bongo Assassins 7. 7. 1937 inactive
469 Stupid Squirrel 22. 2. 1994 active
470 Christian Surf in Middle-Earth 24. 9. 1944 inactive
471 Poor Puffin 6. 7. 1974 active
472 Blue-eyed Badger 1. 5. 1959 deleted
473 Brave Buzzard 17. 6. 1949 inactive
474 Derek Smart Raccoon Colosseum 27. 5. 1970 inactive
475 Successful Skylark 3. 6. 1978 deleted
476 Silly Squirrel 14. 12. 1987 inactive
477 No One Can Stop the Leisure Suit Shack 27. 1. 1950 deleted
478 Wandering Wolf 12. 10. 1975 active
479 Clean Civet 7. 1. 1984 inactive
480 Courageous Cheetah 9. 1. 1985 inactive
( Items: 461 - 480 from 1020 )
  See the code below 👇 or see GitHub
public function createComponentGrid(): DataGrid
	$grid = new DataGrid();


	$grid->setItemsPerPageList([20, 50, 100]);

	$grid->addColumnNumber('id', 'Id')

	$grid->addColumnText('name', 'Name')

	$grid->addColumnDateTime('birth_date', 'Birthday');

	$grid->addColumnText('status', 'Status');

	$grid->addExportCallback('Dump to ajax rq', function (array $rows, DataGrid $grid): void {
		echo 'All fetched data were passed to export callback. Size of data: ';
		echo count($rows);

	$grid->addExportCsvFiltered('Csv export (filtered)', 'examples.csv')
		->setTitle('Csv export (filtered)');

	$columnName = new ColumnText($grid, 'name', 'name', 'Name');
	$columnEven = (new ColumnText($grid, 'even', 'even', 'Even ID (yes/no)'))
			fn ($item) => $item['id'] % 2 === 0 ? 'No' : 'Yes'

	$grid->addExportCsv('Csv export', 'examples-all.csv')
		->setTitle('Csv export')

	return $grid;