Id Name Action
481 Pro Matador Stars Blahblah
482 Ultimate Porn Invaders Blahblah
483 Mushy Mosquito Blahblah
484 Ninja Unicycle Park Blahblah
485 Glowing Penguin Uprising Blahblah
486 Drug-Induced Football Uprising Blahblah
487 Muddy Macaque Blahblah
488 Maniac Castlevania Slaughter Blahblah
489 3D Amish Solid Blahblah
490 Fantastic Flatworm Blahblah
491 Poor Pony Blahblah
492 8-Bit Paintball Fiesta Blahblah
493 Handsome Hamster Blahblah
494 Ashamed Ape Blahblah
495 Mexican Bow Hunter Horde Blahblah
496 Lair of the Devil Syndrome Blahblah
497 Metal Robot - Hot Pursuit Blahblah
498 Enchanting Earthworm Blahblah
499 Tactical Makeover Mania Blahblah
500 Bloody Buffalo Blahblah
( Items: 481 - 500 from 1016 )
  See the code below 👇 or see GitHub
public function createComponentGrid(): DataGrid
	$grid = new DataGrid();


	$grid->setItemsPerPageList([20, 50, 100]);


	$grid->addColumnNumber('id', 'Id')

	$grid->addColumnText('name', 'Name')

	$multiAction = $grid->addMultiAction('multi_blah', 'MultiAction')
		->addAction('blah', 'Blahblah', 'blah!')
		->addAction('blah2', 'Blahblah2', 'blah!', ['name']);


	$grid->addAction('blah', 'Blahblah', 'blah!')
		->setClass('btn btn-xs btn-primary ajax');

	$grid->addAction('this', '')
		->setClass('btn btn-xs btn-success');

	$actionCallback = $grid->addActionCallback('custom_callback', '');

		->setTitle('Hello, sun')
		->setClass('btn btn-xs btn-default btn-secondary ajax');

	$actionCallback->onClick[] = function ($itemId): void {
		$this->flashMessage('Custom callback triggered, id: ' . $itemId);

	$grid->addAction('delete', '', 'delete!')
		->setClass('btn btn-xs btn-danger ajax')
			new StringConfirmation('Do you really want to delete example %s?', 'name')

	$grid->addToolbarButton('this', 'Toolbar')->addAttributes(['foo' => 'bar']);
	$grid->addToolbarButton('this#2', 'Button', ['foo' => 'bar']);

	return $grid;